Managing the Customer Experience for Loyalty and Profit
This extensive customer success research provides key benchmark data from industry leading technology companies. Whether a traditional product company selling on-premise offerings or an off-premise organization selling outsourced solutions or cloud-based subscriptions, suppliers that deliver customer success reap both higher profits and deeper loyalty than organizations that don’t.
Hence, having a clear understanding of what customer success is and how to deliver it has immense potential value to most all organizations. In addition, for organizations in complex, competitive environments, building customer success may not be an option, but a requirement…a mandate for survival, demanding some behaviors and philosophies quite different than traditional ways of doing business. Yet, as this research confirms, customer success is defined and implemented in many different ways—core practices are just being defined, processes are in their infancy, and different business models are being tested.
Customer Success Research Report
To date, most research on this important topic of customer success has been focused on business-to consumer suppliers, and much of this research has been limited to subscription-based cloud businesses. This study was targeted at business-to-business technology companies, including pure cloud-based suppliers, traditional license-based businesses that are now also offering at least some subscription offerings, and traditional license-based companies grappling with how the cloud fits into their business model. All of these organizations are working on how to become successful through customer success. These are interesting times in the technology world!
There is direct application of the contents of this study to anyone interested in delivering customer success and receiving the profitable growth and brand dominance that result. We are pleased to offer this extensive customer success research report to our community. Complete the form to receive a complimentary copy of the report.
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