Association of Support Professionals Conduting Service Industry Salary Survey
Our friend Al Hahn, executive director of the Association of Support Professionals (ASP) is conducting the group’s annual Service Industry Salary Survey.
Are your wages and incentives competitive? Have you been losing competent people. Talent acquisition and retention are big deals in technology companies these days. ASP conducts a salary survey early each year. Our members and all of those filling out a survey (members or not) receive a copy of the report.
This year the ASP has added the Society of Service Executives and the National Association of Service Managers as partners in the surveys, in addition to last year’s partner Service Strategies (that’s us). All four of us are soliciting companies to fill out the survey. To reflect changes in our membership as well as the added partners, we have added typical field service, field service management, and depot repair jobs.
So the survey will be useful to more companies this year. Our survey is particularly easy to fill out compared to many. Give it a try here:
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